Monday, August 19, 2013

4 Weeks Post Op - Ectopic Pregnancy Removal Surgery

This week marks 4 week post op from the removal of my ectopic pregnancy. It hasn't been easy, but I can definitely say that I'm feeling better both physically and emotionally, and each day it gets a bit easier. Here's a quick run down of some of the things I've experienced during my healing.

July 24th (1 day post op) - I was released from the hospital, I was feeling quite good since I had the meds during the night and they were still wearing off.  Slept most of the day, but overall felt very good.

July 25 (2 days post op) - This day was HORRIBLE!  I slept horribly because I usually fall asleep on my stomach, which wasn't an option because of where my incisions were.  I slept with a pillow under my feet, and basically tossed and turned all night.  It was made worse by the sharp pains in my shoulder and back.  I researched it, and this pain was from the procedure...apparently the doctor pumps air into your abdomen in order to get a better view of the tubes and the situation inside.  The air forces the diaphragm up and the pain is felt in your shoulder. I was popping Advil all day to try and releave the pain. The good news was that the incision sight did not have any pain at this time.

Over the next week, the shoulder pain subsided...but it was replaced with pains in and around my belly button and the other 2 incision sites. I was changing my dressing over the wounds daily & cleaning with the betadine solution given to me pre-op as well as taking Advil to reduce the pain.

July 28th (5 days post op) - I ventured out of the house! It was amazing to be out and about, however we had taken the motorcycle and the bumpiness of the ride caused a bit of pain and uncomfortableness. We didn't stay too long, and I was home within 5 hours back in bed.  This excursion took it all out of me.

6 - 15 days post op I felt mostly back to normal.  Still wasn't exercising, which is a big part of my daily I was missing that quite a bit. My incisions were itchy, but that meant they were healing.  I took off my bandages starting around 10 days post op.  My acupuncturist said this was fine, and was good for the healing process to allow the wounds some air. He prescribed Sepia officinalis to help heal up my uterus & fallopian tubes and Calendula officinalis to help heal my incisions.

Day 11 Post Op - We were gone the entire Saturday walking around Marineland. We were gone for about 12 hours, and I was walking the entire time and even carrying my friends 3 year old on and off.  This was a huge mistake!  I definitely pushed myself too far. I came home at the end of the day and literally crashed!  I was in so much pain, and so exhaused I couldn't even eat dinner.

Day 14 Post Op - My stitches started falling out!

Day 16 Post Op -I started bleeding.  It wasn't too heavy, but it was there none the less (up until this point I was having heavy, creamy CM...much like I was still pregnant). Day 17 I didn't bleed, but I did have quite a bit of cramping.  The heavy bleeding began 18 days post op and continued until day 20. It was a very hard week for me both physically and mentally.  Between the heavy cramping, and passing clots and tissue it was an emotional time. Until this time, I hadn't thought too much about the life that was lost and the fact that I had lost a baby. Having to change my tampons & pads (yes, both at the same time) and seeing what was coming out of me really made me think about what was really happening.  It was during this time that I firmed up my relationship with my husband, and had many open and wonderful conversations about everything. This was also a great resource for me, and helped me get through this experience!

Now, 4 weeks later, it's all over and I'm back to my normal life & exercise routine.  We're looking to the future now, and leaving this all in the past. Knowing that God has a plan for everything, and we're excited to see what that plan is.

We start Clomid again during my next period, and the doctor wants to monitor my progress closer with an ultra sound scan at CD 13 (should be on, or around ovulation). The reason for this is to ensure that the medication isn't overstimulating my ovaries.  We leave for Tuscany on the 7th, so we will most likely be away on that day and have to come back....but at this point it's just a small sacrifice to get the baby that we've been dreaming about!

Hopefully the next few weeks will fly by, and the next thing we know we're sitting by the pool at the villa in Italy. But until then, here's to a great week and looking into the future at all the amazing things that are coming for us!

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